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About Me

I am a qualified Wellbeing Coach. I've worked for many years in the Civil service, local government, and more recently, the NHS.


 I have a holistic/person-centered approach to coaching, combining meditation, mindfulness, and life coaching to help discover what problem is most important to you right now, and how you want to move forward with this.








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Having dabbled in many holistic therapies over the years, it was through a traumatic experience that I discovered the sheer healing power of meditation and mindfulness. Using these tools not only eased my painful thoughts and anxiety but also helped me to focus more on the present moment, rather than constantly tearing myself up about the past. The answers I had searched for appeared to me while in deep meditation and my path to freedom unfolded. I was no longer stuck, in a cycle of being miserable, confused, unhappy and not knowing what to do with my life. I  am grateful to finally find a path and a purpose.

I decided that I wanted to help others. I chose the coaching profession because I wanted to empower people to manage their own minds, and take proactive steps in pursuing the life they really want to live. Using Meditation, mindfulness and Coaching together  can create an awesome journey of self-discovery, and transformation.


My purpose is to allow you to re-discover your higher self, and find out what you really want from your life, where you are now, and where you want to be. I can assist you in connecting with your mind and body to find clarity, inner guidance, and self-development. I believe we are all here to live a truly fulfilling and purposeful life, are you ready to start yours? 

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